I4C CPRCM requested variable list

This table shows the data request from the different I4C work packages and includes also the variables requested from the CORDEX FPS-URB-RCC and FPS-CONV initiatives. This merged data request table is also available as a CSV file. Note: To avoid duplicated entries, the frequency shown for some variables in the data request from the FPS-CONV initiative has been adapted to match the highest frequency requested by the other two ongoing activities.
out_name frequency units long_name priority priority-urb priority-conv comment
anthroheat 1hr W/m2 Anthropogenic heat flux URB-URB-RCC On grid cell avarage
anthroheat day W/m2 Anthropogenic heat flux URB-URB-RCC On grid cell avarage
anthroheat mon W/m2 Anthropogenic heat flux URB-URB-RCC On grid cell avarage
areacella fx m2 Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area CONV-CORE
cape day J kg-1 Convective Available Potential Energy CONV-TIER1
cg_lightning day counts Cloud-ground lightning flashes CONV-TIER1 explicitly declare how the separation between IC and CG was performed
cin day J kg-1 Convective Inhibition CONV-TIER1
clgvi 1hr kg m-2 Vertical integral of mass content of graupel CONV-TIER1
clhvi 1hr kg m-2 Vertical integral of mass content of hail CONV-TIER1
clivi 1hr kg m-2 Ice Water Path CONV-CORE
clt 1hr % Total Cloud Cover Percentage URB-CORE CONV-CORE
clt day % Total Cloud Cover Percentage URB-CORE
clt mon % Total Cloud Cover Percentage URB-CORE
clwvi 1hr kg m-2 Condensed Water Path CONV-CORE
evspsbl 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration URB-CORE CONV-CORE
evspsbl day kg m-2 s-1 Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration URB-CORE
evspsbl mon kg m-2 s-1 Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration URB-CORE
evspsblpot 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Potential Evapotranspiration CONV-CORE
hfls 1hr W m-2 Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux URB-CORE CONV-CORE
hfls day W m-2 Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfls mon W m-2 Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfso 1hr W m-2 Ground Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfso day W m-2 Ground Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfso mon W m-2 Ground Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfss 1hr W m-2 Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux URB-CORE CONV-CORE
hfss day W m-2 Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux URB-CORE
hfss mon W m-2 Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux URB-CORE
hurs 1hr % Near-Surface Relative Humidity I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
hurs day % Near-Surface Relative Humidity I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP4
hurs mon % Near-Surface Relative Humidity URB-CORE
hurscan 1hr % Near-Surface Relative Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
hurscan day % Near-Surface Relative Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
hurscan mon % Near-Surface Relative Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
hus1000 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus1000 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
hus200 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus200 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
hus500 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus500 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
hus50m 1hr 1 Specific Humidity at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
hus50m day 1 Specific Humidity at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
hus50m mon 1 Specific Humidity at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
hus700 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus700 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
hus850 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus850 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
hus925 1hr 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
hus925 day 1 Specific Humidity I4C-TIER1 T33
huss 1hr 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP6
huss day 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
huss mon 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity URB-CORE
husscan 1hr 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
husscan day 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
husscan mon 1 Near-Surface Specific Humidity within canyon URB-URB-RCC
ic_lightning day counts Intra-cloud lightning flashes CONV-TIER1 explicitly declare how the separation between IC and CG was performed
mrro 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Total Runoff I4C-CORE CONV-CORE WP6
mrros 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Surface Runoff I4C-CORE CONV-CORE WP6
mrso 1hr kg m-2 Total Soil Moisture Content I4C-CORE WP6 The mass of water in all phases per unit area, summed over all soil layers.
mrso day kg m-2 Total Soil Moisture Content CONV-CORE The mass of water in all phases per unit area, summed over all soil layers.
mrsofc fx kg m-2 Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity) URB-TIER2 CONV-CORE
mrsol day kg m-2 Total Water Content of Soil Layer CONV-CORE The mass of water in all phases in each soil layer (3D variable). Reported as missing for grid cells with no land.
od550aer mon 1 Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm I4C-TIER2 T32
orog fx m Surface Altitude I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
pr 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Precipitation I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
pr day kg m-2 s-1 Precipitation I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
pr mon kg m-2 s-1 Precipitation I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
prc 1hr kg m-2 s-1 Convective Precipitation URB-TIER1
prc day kg m-2 s-1 Convective Precipitation URB-TIER1
prc mon kg m-2 s-1 Convective Precipitation URB-TIER1
prw 1hr kg m-2 Water Vapor Path CONV-CORE
ps 1hr Pa Surface Air Pressure I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE WP6
ps day Pa Surface Air Pressure URB-CORE
ps mon Pa Surface Air Pressure URB-CORE
psl 1hr Pa Sea Level Pressure I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33
psl day Pa Sea Level Pressure I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
psl mon Pa Sea Level Pressure URB-CORE
rlds 1hr W m-2 Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP6
rlds day W m-2 Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
rlds mon W m-2 Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation URB-CORE
rlus 1hr W m-2 Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
rlus day W m-2 Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation I4C-TIER1 T33
rootd fx m Maximum Root Depth CONV-CORE
rsds 1hr W m-2 Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP6
rsds day W m-2 Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
rsds mon W m-2 Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation URB-CORE
rsus 1hr W m-2 Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
rsus day W m-2 Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation I4C-TIER1 T33
sfcWind 1hr m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
sfcWind day m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
sfcWind mon m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
sfcWindcan 1hr m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed within canyon URB-URB-RCC
sfcWindcan day m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed within canyon URB-URB-RCC
sfcWindcan mon m s-1 Near-Surface Wind Speed within canyon URB-URB-RCC
sfcWindmax day m s-1 Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed CONV-CORE Maximum from all integrated time steps per day
sftgif fx % Percentage of the Grid Cell Covered by Glacier CONV-CORE
sftlaf fx % Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Lake URB-TIER2 not in CMIP or in CF
sftlf fx % Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
sfturf fx % Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Urban Area I4C-TIER2 URB-CORE T33 WP4 WP6 not in CMIP or in CF
siconca mon % Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) I4C-TIER1 T32
snc day % Snow Area Percentage CONV-CORE
snd day m Snow Depth CONV-CORE
snw 1hr kg m-2 Surface Snow Amount I4C-CORE WP6
ta1000 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta1000 6hr K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta1000 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ta1000 mon K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta200 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta200 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 T33
ta500 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta500 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 T33
ta50m 1hr K Air Temperature at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
ta50m day K Air Temperature at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
ta50m mon K Air Temperature at 50m URB-TIER1 requested for urban modeling
ta700 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta700 6hr K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta700 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ta700 mon K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta850 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta850 6hr K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta850 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ta850 mon K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta925 1hr K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ta925 6hr K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
ta925 day K Air Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ta925 mon K Air Temperature URB-TIER1
tas 1hr K Near-Surface Air Temperature I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
tas day K Near-Surface Air Temperature I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP4 WP6
tas mon K Near-Surface Air Temperature I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
tasblue 1hr K Near-surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tasblue day K Near-surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tasblue mon K Near-surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tascan 1hr K Near-surface temperature within canyon URB-URB-RCC
tascan day K Near-surface temperature within canyon URB-URB-RCC
tascan mon K Near-surface temperature within canyon URB-URB-RCC
tasgree 1hr K Near-surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tasgree day K Near-surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tasgree mon K Near-surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tasmax 1hr K Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature URB-CORE maximum from all integrated time steps per day
tasmax day K Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 maximum from all integrated time steps per day
tasmax mon K Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature URB-CORE maximum from all integrated time steps per day
tasmin 1hr K Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature URB-CORE minimum from all integrated time steps per day
tasmin day K Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP4 minimum from all integrated time steps per day
tasmin mon K Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature URB-CORE minimum from all integrated time steps per day
taspav 1hr K Near-surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
taspav day K Near-surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
taspav mon K Near-surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
tasroof 1hr K Near-surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tasroof day K Near-surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tasroof mon K Near-surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tauu 1hr Pa Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
tauu day Pa Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
tauu mon Pa Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
tauv 1hr Pa Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
tauv day Pa Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
tauv mon Pa Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress I4C-TIER1 T32
total_lightning day counts Total number lightning flashes CONV-TIER1 if supplying ic_lightning and cg_lightning just add these
ts 1hr K Surface Temperature URB-CORE CONV-CORE
ts day K Surface Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-CORE T33
ts mon K Surface Temperature I4C-TIER1 URB-CORE T33
tsblue 1hr K Surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsblue day K Surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsblue mon K Surface temperature blue spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsgree 1hr K Surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsgree day K Surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsgree mon K Surface temperature green spaces URB-URB-RCC
tsl 6hr K Temperature of Soil URB-TIER1 Temperature of each soil layer (3D variable). Reported as missing for grid cells with no land.
tsl day K Temperature of Soil URB-TIER1 Temperature of each soil layer (3D variable). Reported as missing for grid cells with no land.
tsl mon K Temperature of Soil URB-TIER1 Temperature of each soil layer (3D variable). Reported as missing for grid cells with no land.
tspav 1hr K Surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
tspav day K Surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
tspav mon K Surface temperature pavements URB-URB-RCC
tsroof 1hr K Surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tsroof day K Surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tsroof mon K Surface temperature roof URB-URB-RCC
tsskin 1hr K Skin temperature URB-URB-RCC
tsskin day K Skin temperature URB-URB-RCC
tsskin mon K Skin temperature URB-URB-RCC
ua1000 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua1000 6hr m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua1000 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ua1000 mon m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua100m 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind at 100m CONV-CORE
ua200 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua200 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 T33
ua500 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua500 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 T33 WP4
ua50m 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
ua50m day m s-1 Eastward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
ua50m mon m s-1 Eastward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
ua700 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua700 6hr m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua700 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ua700 mon m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua850 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua850 6hr m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua850 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ua850 mon m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua925 1hr m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
ua925 6hr m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
ua925 day m s-1 Eastward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
ua925 mon m s-1 Eastward Wind URB-TIER1
uas 1hr m s-1 Eastward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP6
uas day m s-1 Eastward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
uas mon m s-1 Eastward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
va1000 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va1000 6hr m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va1000 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
va1000 mon m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va100m 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind at 100m CONV-CORE
va200 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va200 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 T33
va500 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va500 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 T33 WP4
va50m 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
va50m day m s-1 Northward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
va50m mon m s-1 Northward Wind at 50m URB-TIER1
va700 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va700 6hr m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va700 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
va700 mon m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va850 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va850 6hr m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va850 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
va850 mon m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va925 1hr m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
va925 6hr m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
va925 day m s-1 Northward Wind I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
va925 mon m s-1 Northward Wind URB-TIER1
vas 1hr m s-1 Northward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE CONV-CORE T33 WP6
vas day m s-1 Northward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33 WP6
vas mon m s-1 Northward Near-Surface Wind I4C-CORE URB-CORE T33
wa1000 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wa200 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wa500 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wa700 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wa850 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wa925 1hr m s-1 Upward Air Velocity CONV-CORE
wsgmax100m day m s-1 Maximum wind speed of gust at 100m CONV-TIER1 new variable to include wind at turbine height
wsgsmax 1hr m s-1 Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust CONV-CORE
wsgsmax day m s-1 Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust CONV-CORE
z0 day m Surface Roughness Length URB-CORE
z0 mon m Surface Roughness Length URB-CORE
zg1000 6hr m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1 CONV-CORE
zg1000 day m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1
zg1000 mon m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1
zg200 6hr m Geopotential Height CONV-CORE
zg500 1hr m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 CONV-CORE T33
zg500 day m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 T33
zg700 1hr m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 T33
zg700 6hr m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1 CONV-CORE
zg700 day m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
zg700 mon m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1
zg850 1hr m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 T33
zg850 6hr m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1 CONV-CORE
zg850 day m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
zg850 mon m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1
zg925 1hr m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 T33
zg925 6hr m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1 CONV-CORE
zg925 day m Geopotential Height I4C-TIER1 URB-TIER1 T33
zg925 mon m Geopotential Height URB-TIER1
zmla 1hr m Height of Boundary Layer URB-TIER1 CONV-TIER1
zmla day m Height of Boundary Layer URB-TIER1
zmla mon m Height of Boundary Layer URB-TIER1